Malati gravi in ospedale, più della metà sono vaccinati. Allarme da Israele
Il 'Jerusalem Post' pubblica una notizia che farà discutere. E getta qualche ombra sull'efficacia dei vaccini. Al momento in Israele più della metà dei pazienti ricoverati in ospedale in gravi condizioni sono vaccinati. Nell'articolo del 'Jerusalem Post' si legge: 'Al momento circa il 60[[[]]%[]] dei pazienti in gravi condizioni sono stati vaccinati. Inoltre, secondo i ricercatori dell'Università ebraica di Gerusalemme, circa il 90[[[]]%[]] dei nuovi contagi sopra i 50 anni sono vaccinati con due dosi'.
sono interessanti le percentuali.... naturalmente questa notizia non la sentirete mai nelle trasmissioni televisive.... ma... può darsi che tra poco venga smentita...così che il truman show possa continuare!
Anonimo - inviato in data 23/07/2021 alle ore 18.40.18
Questo post ha
- .. - da Anonimo - inviato in data 30/07/2021 alle ore 6.46.44
gli italiani hanno festeggiato la vittoria..e guarda caso..è scattato il focolaio..spegnete la tv.
nota di redazione: si prega di mettere un titolo coerente con il testo. Mettere .... non ha alcun senso perché nell'elenco dei commenti confonde il lettore. Grazie
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- @art.479 - da Anonimo - inviato in data 24/07/2021 alle ore 18.15.00
Per lei che è un assiduo frequentatore delle fake #noncielodicono, proporrei un art. 422 c.p.p. è più completo e confacente alle vostre visioni del mondo #nonmiiniettounsierosperimentalemarompoilcazxoatuttisennounmicaanessuno
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- art. 479 - da Anonimo - inviato in data 24/07/2021 alle ore 15.10.40
art. 479 codice penale, interessante, ma vale per tutti?
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- Oh se un è cambiato nulla - da Anonimo - inviato in data 24/07/2021 alle ore 2.02.37
Anche chi è vaccinato con i vaccini obbligatori può contagiare, poi se credete di essere immortali e puliti e non contagiati, e un problema di IGNORANZA !!! Da quella non c'è vaccino o 'siero sperimentale' come vi piace riempirvi la bocca di ciò che non conoscete, studiate e poi replicate, ma il vostro intelletto è bruciato oramai
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- Imbarazzante! - da Anonimo - inviato in data 23/07/2021 alle ore 23.36.02
conferenza stampa imbarazzante: l'ordine dei medici ci dice che anche i vaccinati sono contagiosi, draghi invece dice che chi è vaccinato ha la garanzia di trovarsi tra non contagiosi...mah chi avrà ragione? Ah saperlo....ma sicuramente draghi! dimenticavo, dice anche che il green pass è di difficile attuazione...allora perchè lo ha imposto? ah forse per poi dire che senza non si possono fare manifestazioni e scioperi in piazza....
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- traduzione - da Anonimo - inviato in data 23/07/2021 alle ore 21.13.44
poi guardiamo quanti morti c'erano prima e quanti oggi in Israele.
--------------------- Of the 143 hospitalized patients, 58[[[]]%[]] were vaccinated, 39[[[]]%[]] were not at all, and 3[[[]]%[]] were partially vaccinated Some 143 Israelis were hospitalized with COVID-19 as of Wednesday at 12 p.m., according to the Health Ministry. Fifty-eight percent of them were vaccinated, 39[[[]]%[]] were not and 3[[[]]%[]] were partially vaccinated, meaning they had taken one dose or a full week had not passed since their second shot.
Only one patient was a child. Five were pregnant women or women who recently gave birth.
Of the country’s 64 serious patients, including 17 in critical condition, there were 12 who were being invasively ventilated. However, while the percentage of vaccinated cases was high, the percentage of those who require invasive treatment was low: Only three fully vaccinated people were being invasively ventilated.
Also, only two people were connected to an ECMO external oxygenation machine, and neither of them were vaccinated.
Although the number of serious patients is on the rise – with 154 new ones this month compared to only 31 new ones in May and 17 in June – there were 972 new serious cases last July.
Some 18,469 Israelis have been listed in serious or critical condition since the start of the pandemic.
Thirty of the 143 hospitalized patients were in moderate condition, and 49 in mild condition.
Where are they hospitalized?
According to the ministry, there are 42 patients in one of the four hospitals in central Israel besides Tel Aviv. Some 37 people are being treated in Tel Aviv, 25 in Haifa, 15 in southern Israel, 15 in northern Israel and another nine in Jerusalem.
Meir Medical Center in Kfar Saba has the highest number of patients with 14, and also the highest number of serious cases – along with Beersheba’s Soroka Medical Center – with seven. Hillel Yaffe Medical Center in Hadera followed closely behind with six.
No other hospital had any serious patients in the double digits; the highest number of patients at any other facility was nine.
How many people have died?
Since the start of the coronavirus crisis, 6,452 Israelis have died of the disease. The deadliest month was January 2021, when 1,445 Israelis died.
So far this month, 20 people have died of the virus, compared to nine people last month and 237 in July 2020.
Fifteen of the 20 people who died this month were fully vaccinated.
According to the article out of the 143 hospitalized patients: 64 were in serious condition, 30 were in moderate condition and 49 in mild condition. I don't understand why someone with mild Covid is being hospitalized or even with moderate covid. It seems that if they are vaccinate.
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- Nemmeno tradurre e volete parlare... - da Anonimo - inviato in data 23/07/2021 alle ore 20.48.41
Of the 143 hospitalized patients, 58% were vaccinated, 39% were not at all, and 3% were partially vaccinated Some 143 Israelis were hospitalized with COVID-19 as of Wednesday at 12 p.m., according to the Health Ministry. Fifty-eight percent of them were vaccinated, 39% were not and 3% were partially vaccinated, meaning they had taken one dose or a full week had not passed since their second shot.
Only one patient was a child. Five were pregnant women or women who recently gave birth.
Of the country’s 64 serious patients, including 17 in critical condition, there were 12 who were being invasively ventilated. However, while the percentage of vaccinated cases was high, the percentage of those who require invasive treatment was low: Only three fully vaccinated people were being invasively ventilated.
Also, only two people were connected to an ECMO external oxygenation machine, and neither of them were vaccinated.
Although the number of serious patients is on the rise – with 154 new ones this month compared to only 31 new ones in May and 17 in June – there were 972 new serious cases last July.
Some 18,469 Israelis have been listed in serious or critical condition since the start of the pandemic.
Thirty of the 143 hospitalized patients were in moderate condition, and 49 in mild condition.
Where are they hospitalized?
According to the ministry, there are 42 patients in one of the four hospitals in central Israel besides Tel Aviv. Some 37 people are being treated in Tel Aviv, 25 in Haifa, 15 in southern Israel, 15 in northern Israel and another nine in Jerusalem.
Meir Medical Center in Kfar Saba has the highest number of patients with 14, and also the highest number of serious cases – along with Beersheba’s Soroka Medical Center – with seven. Hillel Yaffe Medical Center in Hadera followed closely behind with six.
No other hospital had any serious patients in the double digits; the highest number of patients at any other facility was nine.
How many people have died?
Since the start of the coronavirus crisis, 6,452 Israelis have died of the disease. The deadliest month was January 2021, when 1,445 Israelis died.
So far this month, 20 people have died of the virus, compared to nine people last month and 237 in July 2020.
Fifteen of the 20 people who died this month were fully vaccinated.
According to the article out of the 143 hospitalized patients: 64 were in serious condition, 30 were in moderate condition and 49 in mild condition. I don't understand why someone with mild Covid is being hospitalized or even with moderate covid. It seems that if they are vaccinate.
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